Professional tools for processing natural stone

Drilling, grinding, polishing and cutting

Welcome to our selection of tools specifically for working with natural stone.

  • 1. Grind natural stone

    Experience the ultimate precision and efficiency with our high-quality grinding tools, ideal for any type of natural stone processing.

  • 2. Drill natural stone

    With our specially developed drill bits for natural stone, we ensure effortless, clean drilling and splinter-free results.

  • 3. Cut natural stone

    Make every cut precise and clean with our heavy-duty cut-off wheels, designed for the most demanding natural stone work.

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1. Grinding tools for natural stone

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2. Drilling tools for natural stone

Different tile drill bits are ideal for drilling different natural stone products.

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3. Tools to cut natural stone

Stone cutting discs are the ideal choice for cutting natural stone.

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🛠️ Tools for natural stone processing - A guide

Introduction to natural stone processing

Natural stone working is an art as old as human civilization itself.

But what makes them so fascinating?

History of natural stone processing

Natural stones have been used for the construction of monuments and buildings since ancient times. Just think of the Colosseum or the Pyramids - both are testaments to the art of working with natural stone.

Importance of natural stone processing

Today, natural stone processing is still of great importance. Natural stone offers numerous advantages, such as its durability and unique aesthetics.

Different types of natural stones

There are many different types of natural stone, each with their own unique characteristics.


Granite is known for its hardness and durability. It is often used for kitchen worktops or floor tiles.


Marble is another popular natural stone. It is softer than granite and is therefore ideal for fine carving work.


Slate, on the other hand, is a natural stone that is often used for roofing. Easily splittable, it is ideal for this type of work.

Tools for working natural stone

There are a variety of tools that are used in the processing of natural stone.

hand tools

The classic hand tools include chisels and hammers, as well as pointed irons.

chisel and hammer

With a chisel and hammer you can shape the stone and give it the shape you want.

pointed iron

Pointed chisels are ideal for driving rough contours into the stone.

electric tools

Electric tools are often used for larger projects.

angle grinder

An angle grinder is an indispensable tool when working with natural stone. With it you can cut the stone.

stone saw

The stone saw is another power tool used primarily for cutting larger blocks of stone.

Safety aspects in the processing of natural stone

When working with natural stone, safety is of the utmost importance.

Personal protective equipment

It is important to always wear appropriate personal protective equipment including safety goggles, hearing protection and work gloves.

Conclusion - Our opinion on natural stone tools

Natural stone processing is a fascinating craft that requires both traditional and modern tools. It is an art that requires great skill, patience and precision. But with the right tools and techniques, working with natural stone can be a rewarding and satisfying endeavor.

FAQs - The most frequently asked questions when working with natural stone

  1. Which is the best tool for working with natural stone?

    It depends on the specific project and the stone to be machined. Traditional hand tools like chisels and hammers are ideal for finer work, while power tools like angle grinders and stone saws are useful for larger projects.
  2. How can I work safely with natural stones?

    Safety should always be the top priority. This includes wearing the correct personal protective equipment, including safety goggles, hearing protection and work gloves.

  3. What is the difference between granite and marble?

    Granite and marble are both natural stones but have different properties. Granite is harder and more resilient, while marble is softer and better suited to fine carving.

  4. How long does it take to become a master natural stone worker?

    This can vary, but it usually takes many years of practice and learning. It is an art that requires great skill, patience and precision.

  5. Where can I buy tools for working with natural stone?

    There are many specialist shops and online shops that offer tools for working with natural stone. It pays to compare prices and reviews to find the best tools for your specific needs.