Lochboy beim Schneiden von Fliesen Löchern

What is a hole boy?

1. What is the hole boy?

The Lochboy is a special tool for tiles .

It enables quick, easy and precise cutting of holes in tiles. This tool is an alternative for anyone working with tiles who doesn't want to use tile drill bits.

2. How does the Lochboy work?

Create a tile hole with the Lochboy

The Lochboy works in a very simple and efficient way.

You can use it to punch a hole of up to 40 mm in floor or wall tiles in seconds. This not only saves time, but also material.

2.1 Areas of application of the Lochboy

The Lochboy is suitable for hole diameters of up to 40 mm and panel sizes of up to 30x30 cm. This makes it a versatile tool that can be used in many different projects.

2.2 A hole boy is used for this tile work

3. Advantages of the Lochboy

  • time saving

  • Material savings - One tool can be used for a range of hole diameters up to 40mm

  • versatility

  • Easy to use - No additional machines are required. A hammer will suffice

3.1 Alternatives to the Lochboy

4. Technical details of the Lochboy

4.1 Hole Diameter

The Lochboy can cut holes with a diameter of up to 40 mm . This gives you the flexibility to cut different sized holes depending on what your bathroom project calls for.

4.2 Panel Sizes

The Lochboy is suitable for panel sizes up to 30x30 cm. This means you can use it on a variety of tile types and sizes.

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