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Cutting sandstone - All methods, tips and tricks

Successful practices for cutting sandstone: we'll show you how to do it at home!

Difficulty: Easy | Costs: from 15 euros | Workload: 10 minutes per stone

Sandstone used in block form to build a wall or wall

Sandstone is a versatile and attractive material used for both construction and decoration.

Popular areas of application for sandstone:

  • facades and exterior walls of buildings
  • Interior design and decoration
  • Landscaping and garden design
  • cobblestones and sidewalks
  • Production of monuments and tombstones
  • Sculptures and artistic works
  • furniture and countertops

This article provides a comprehensive guide to sandstone cutting.

Sandstone installed in different shapes after cutting

1. What is sandstone?

Sandstone is a type of sedimentary rock composed primarily of grains of sand that are compressed and solidified.

1.1 Properties of sandstone

Sandstone is known for its durability and ability to withstand the elements such as water, wind and fire.

Our pro tip : Sandstone can also be used to sharpen a diamond blade when cutting.

1.2 Types of sandstone

There are several types of sandstone, including limestone, quartz sandstone, and arkose.

Advantages Disadvantages
Limestone is easy to work and shape. Limestone can erode in acid rain.
Quartz sandstone is extremely resistant and durable. Quartz sandstone can be more difficult to cut than other types of sandstone.
Arkose is visually appealing and has a unique texture. Arkose can be less durable than other types of sandstone.

2. Why cut sandstone?

A picture of an old house where parts of the sandstone facade need to be replaced

Cutting sandstone is an important skill in many crafting and construction jobs. Cutting sandstone is particularly common when renovating old houses.

2.1 Advantages of cutting sandstone

Cutting sandstone allows for precise size and shape control, resulting in attractive and functional end products.

Stone flex disc banner image

2.2 Applications of cut sandstone

Cut sandstone is often used in landscaping, the construction industry, and sculpture.

3. Tools for cutting sandstone

The picture shows the different tools for cutting sandstone.

There are various tools that can be used to cut sandstone.

3.1 Hand Tools

Hand tools like chisels and hammers can be used to cut smaller pieces of sandstone.

3.2 Power tools

Diamond blade stone saw and angle grinder shown for cutting or sawing sandstone

For larger projects and more precise cuts, power tools such as stone saws and angle grinders can be used.

Examples where sandstone must be cut to size according to the DIN standard:

  • In the manufacture of facade panels for buildings
  • In the manufacture of paving stones for sidewalks
  • In the creation of specific artistic sculptures
  • In the manufacture of standardized pieces of furniture or countertops

4. Step-by-step instructions for cutting sandstone

You can see a picture of a craftsman in the garden with a large Flex and a stone cutting disc 230 mm forming the sandstone by cutting it

Here is a simple guide to cutting sandstone.

4.1 Security Measures

Safety should always come first. Make sure you wear safety goggles and gloves.

4.2 Preparation of the sandstone

Before cutting, the sandstone should be properly prepared. This may involve marking the cutting line and wetting the stone.

4.3 Step-by-step guide for the cutting process:

  1. First mark the line on the sandstone along which you want to cut.
  2. Always wear the appropriate protective equipment, including goggles and gloves.
  3. If using hand tools, position your chisel along the marked line and gently hit the end of the chisel with the hammer.
  4. Cut the stone piece by piece along the line. Be patient and don't try to remove too much at once.
  5. If using an electric saw, turn on the tool and run it evenly along the marked line. Make sure you don't rush the cut.
  6. After cutting, smooth the edges of the sandstone with sandpaper or another suitable tool.

Our tip: Use a suitable stone cutting disc with the right diameter for your machine.

4.4 Post-processing

After cutting, the edges of the sandstone can be smoothed with sandpaper or another suitable abrasive tool.

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5. Tips and tricks for cutting sandstone

An image of a garden path after the sandstone has been finished and finished

There are some tips and tricks that can make cutting sandstone easier, such as:

  • wearing the correct protective equipment

  • proper tool maintenance

  • practicing cuts on scraps before attempting the actual project.

6. Common mistakes and how to avoid them

A graphic representation of the most common problems encountered when cutting sandstone

It is important to be aware of common sandstone cutting mistakes and how to avoid them to ensure the job is done safely and effectively.


  • Using the wrong cutting disc
  • Selection of an unsuitable cutting machine
  • No patience when parting
  • Confuse sandstone with sand-lime brick

7. Conclusion - Cutting and sawing sandstone is not difficult.

Cutting sandstone is a valuable skill useful in many crafting and construction jobs.

With the right tools, techniques, and safety measures, it can be done safely and effectively.

FAQs - Frequently asked questions about sandstone

  1. Can I cut sandstone with an ordinary saw blade?

    No, you need a diamond saw blade to cut sandstone effectively.

  2. How deep should I cut in one pass?

    You should not try to cut the sandstone in one go. Instead, several shallow cuts should be made.
  3. Can I dry cut sandstone?

    Although it is possible to cut sandstone dry, it is recommended to wet the stone while cutting to reduce dust and cool the saw blade.
  4. How do I keep my tools sharp?

    Tools should be maintained and sharpened regularly to maintain their effectiveness.
  5. Is sandstone dangerous to cut?

    Cutting sandstone can be dangerous if proper safety precautions are not followed. Always make sure to wear protective gear and work safely
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