Gartenweg mit Rindenmulch

Garden path with bark mulch - natural look at a low price

A garden path with bark mulch preserves the natural character particularly well.

Bark mulch is a cost-effective alternative for creating garden paths. With its natural look, it blends harmoniously into any garden. However, bark mulch also has some disadvantages, especially in terms of stability and durability.

Two examples of bark mulch garden paths

In this article we will show you what to consider when planning and building a bark mulch path. Read about the advantages and disadvantages of bark mulch, how to apply and care for it professionally.

👍 Benefits of bark mulch for garden paths

  1. Natural look and charm
  2. Color variance by age
  3. water permeable
  4. Very low price

👎 Disadvantages of bark mulch

  • Poor stability and support
  • Favors weed growth
  • Short shelf life of about one year

1. Preparation of the substrate

The subsoil is prepared with a shovel for the bark mulch garden path

Preparing the ground when creating a garden path with bark mulch is mandatory but still recommended.

  1. Compact and level the soil
  2. Lay drainage in poorly draining soils
  3. Use geotextile as a separating layer

2. Apply bark mulch correctly

Bark mulch is applied to the prepared soil

Follow these steps to get the best results for your garden path.

  1. Distribute mulch loosely and airy
  2. Do not tamp down the bark mulch, just press it down lightly.
  3. Water several times after application
  4. Watering the mulch will set it and stay in place.
  5. Maintain a thickness of 5-10 cm
  6. In order for the path to remain passable, the mulch must not be too thick.

More garden path ideas

3. Attach bark mulch to the garden path

The bark mulch garden path is visually and physically demarcated with old wooden slats

We recommend that you "fence in" the bark mulch garden path. A border helps keep the bark mulch in place. Plus, you'll thank yourself next year because all you have to do is reapply the mulch.

Suitable for this:

  • wooden slats
  • metal profiles
  • With flat stones or cobblestones
  • One simple possibility is a trodden-down lawn edge.

4. Maintain and renew bark mulch

Visual comparison between new and old bark mulch

The bark mulch needs to be renewed annually to maintain a safe and clean garden path. Caring for bark mulch requires:

  • Apply fresh mulch annually to restore paths.
  • Regular weed removal
  • roughening the surface in spring
  • The mulch can be walked on again by loosening it.

5. Cost of bark mulch trails

position Costs
bark mulch 5-10 € per m2
Geotextile as a separating layer 2-3 € per m2
wooden slats for edging 3-5 € per running meter
Disposal of excavated material/waste material €50-100
Tools such as shovel, rake etc. €50-150

Other helpful guides

6. FAQ: Garden path with bark mulch

1. How thick should the bark mulch layer be?

A thickness of 5 to 10 cm is optimal. Mulch that is too thin will run through quickly, too thick will impede running and be less likely to rot.

2. How often does bark mulch need to be renewed?

Apply fresh mulch annually to fill in compacted areas and maintain appearance.

3. Which type of bark mulch is the best?

Spruce bark mulch is very durable. Beech mulch looks attractive. Important: pay attention to regional products without chemicals!

4. Can you mix bark mulch with gravel?

Yes, that is possible. Gravel provides more stability, the mulch for optics. The mixing ratio can be varied.

5. How to prevent weeds in bark mulch paths?

Regular weeding, removing germinating weeds. Use geotextile as a barrier. Possibly use weed control agents.

7. Conclusion - A garden path is bark mulch is beautiful and cheap

Bark mulch is suitable for unpaved paths with a natural character. However, its low stability and durability require quite a lot of maintenance. However, with careful planning and regular renewal, a bark mulch route will remain attractive for a long time.

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