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  • Flexing porcelain stoneware - A helpful guide with tips & tricks
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Flexing porcelain stoneware - A helpful guide with tips & tricks

Flexing porcelain stoneware is relatively easy. We'll show you how to do it and what tools you need.

 Difficulty: Easy | Costs about 20-50 euros | Workload : approx. 30min

Table of contents

Craftsmen cutting porcelain stoneware with the Flex

1. Where is porcelain stoneware used and when does it need to be cut?

Porcelain tiles have been around since the 1980s.

Most often it is used for:

  • floors
  • walls
  • and countertops.

It is highly resilient and durable, making it an excellent choice for both indoor and outdoor use.

However, cutting porcelain stoneware can be challenging as it is a very hard material. In this article we will teach you everything you need to know to cut porcelain stoneware with the Flex.

2. What is porcelain stoneware?

Types of porcelain stoneware tiles and slabs at a glance

Porcelain stoneware is a particularly hard tile consisting of:

  • volume
  • feldspar
  • quartz
  • and other natural materials.

Expert knowledge: This is fired at very high temperatures. An extremely dense and durable material is created from the individual materials under the influence of very high temperatures.

2.1 The main advantages of porcelain stoneware

Porcelain stoneware tiles are highly resistant to scratches, abrasion and moisture, making them ideal for use in high-traffic areas such as entrances, bathrooms, kitchens and patios .

3. Why is porcelain stoneware so hard and what problems does this cause when cutting with an angle grinder?

A porcelain stoneware slab to be flexed.

Porcelain stoneware is so hard because it is fired at very high temperatures. This means that the materials combine with extreme density.

During the manufacturing process of porcelain stoneware, quartz or granite is often added to the material to increase its hardness and durability.

3.1 Porcelain stoneware on the hardness scale

Mohs hardness comparison material Another hardness tester
1 talc Can be scraped with a fingernail
2 plaster Can be scratched with a fingernail
3 calcite can be scratched with a copper coin
4 fluorite easily scored with a steel knife
5 apatite still scratchable with a steel knife
6 feldspar can be scratched with a steel file
7 quartz scratches window glass
8th topaz
9 corundum
10 diamond

4. Technical requirements for your angle grinder to flex fine stoneware

An image of a powerful angle grinder placed on a porcelain tile after cutting. The tool that is fitted is a 125mm flex diamond disc for porcelain stoneware

Choosing the right machine is important when cutting porcelain stoneware with a Flex. You should choose a flex that:

  • has enough power (at least 1200 watts)

  • The flex should not be too heavy
  • Ideally has a rubber grip for extra stability
  • Battery or wired works

5. What type of blade should you use to cut porcelain stoneware with Flex?

A picture of several porcelain stoneware cutting discs that can be used to flex porcelain stoneware.

A diamond blade is the best choice for cutting porcelain stoneware. Diamond discs are very resistant due to their diamond segment and can easily cut through the hard material.

Important: It is very important to select a diamond blade with the right diameter for a Flex. This is usually 125 mm .

The porcelain stoneware cutting disc should match its area of ​​application. For example, for long, straight cuts or an Allrounder Flex diamond blade for cutting curves or recesses.

5.1 Porcelain cutting disc for long straight cuts:

125 mm porcelain stoneware cutting disc Flex - Ideal for long, straight cuts in porcelain stoneware

5.2 All-round fine stoneware cutting disc 125 mm Flex

125 mm Flex fine stoneware diamond cutting disc for all-round applications

6. How do I properly flex porcelain stoneware tiles & patio slabs?

A craftsman flexing a large porcelain stoneware slab with an angle grinder and a 125 mm diamond disc

  1. Make sure the porcelain stoneware tiles or patio slabs are clean and dry
  2. Mark the cutting line with a pen or tape

  3. Make sure that the surface is suitable for cutting and that the diamond cutting disc will under no circumstances cut into the underlying material.

  4. Wear safety goggles, a respirator and, if necessary, hearing protection

  5. Install the disc onto the flex, making sure it is securely fastened. We recommend tightening with a quick-release nut .

  6. Start with a light cut in the edge area and slowly work your way along the marked cutting line.

  7. Pay attention to the number of revolutions of the flex . This should be neither too high nor too low (guide number of revolutions). The diamond cutting disc must not get too hot. If necessary, take short breaks.

  8. If necessary, prepare and sand down the cut edge (tile edge) .

7. Safety tips when cutting porcelain stoneware

A picture of a craftsman showing what safety gear to wear when flexing

Cutting porcelain stoneware with a Flex can be dangerous if proper safety precautions are not taken.

Here are some important tips:

  • Always wear safety goggles, hearing protection and gloves.

  • Only use diamond discs that are suitable for cutting porcelain stoneware .

  • Be careful not to overheat the disc to avoid jamming or breaking.

  • Avoid forcing the cut to avoid chipping or breaking the material.

  • Turn off the Flex as soon as you no longer need it. Danger! Do not put on the ground with a rotating cutting disc.

8. Can you cut porcelain stoneware without a Flex?

If you don't have a flex handy, there are other ways to cut porcelain stoneware:

Application image of a tiler cutting tiles with a mechanical tile cutter

9. Conclusion - You can do the cutting of porcelain stoneware yourself

Cutting porcelain stoneware with a Flex can be challenging but requires the right tools and safety precautions.

Always use a diamond blade, wear safety goggles, hearing protection and gloves and ensure the Flex has the power it needs.

A craftsman cutting porcelain stoneware tiles with an angle grinder and a 125 mm diamond disc for tiles

FAQs - Frequently asked questions about porcelain stoneware flexen

  1. Question: Is it possible to cut porcelain stoneware with a regular saw?

    Answer: No! Porcelain stoneware is too hard to cut with a normal saw.

  2. Question: How do I avoid chipping and rough edges when cutting porcelain stoneware?

    Answer: Make sure that the flex is not running too fast or too slow and that the disk is not getting too hot. Also, avoid forcing the cut as this may cause the material to chip or break.

  3. Question: How to choose the right diamond blade for cutting porcelain stoneware?

    Answer: Make sure the diamond blade is suitable for cutting porcelain stoneware (specified on the product detail page, packaging or the blade itself) and select a blade of the correct size and shape for your machine.

  4. Question: Can porcelain stoneware also be cut with a hand saw?

    Answer: Yes. There are special diamond hand saws with which this is possible. However, this is a very tough, strenuous and long process.

  5. Question: How can you cut large porcelain stoneware slabs and tiles without fraying?

    Answer: Cover the cutting line with masking tape. This will prevent the surface of the material from chipping or fraying.

  6. Question: Can porcelain stoneware be cut by a professional?

  7. Answer: Yes, it is possible to hire a professional to cut porcelain stoneware. This can be a good option if you are inexperienced in cutting porcelain stoneware or if you have a project with many cuts.

  8. Question: How do you cut porcelain stoneware skirting boards ?

    Answer: Porcelain stoneware skirting boards can be cut with a tile cutting machine or a wet saw. However, keep in mind that baseboards are typically thinner than floor tiles, so it can be more difficult to get precise cuts. Always use a diamond blade and wear the necessary protective gear to protect yourself from injury. Experienced users can also cut the skirting boards with the Flex.

Cutting tile skirting boards guide

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