Gartenweg bepflanzen Bannerbild

Planting the garden path - tips for the perfect path design

Well thought-out planting lets garden paths shine in a whole new light.

Cleverly arranged plants visually structure the path and create natural eye-catchers.

Garden path plant image

In this article you will learn which plants are suitable, how you can combine them appropriately and stage them. We also give you tips on how to properly care for the path plantings.

👍 Advantages of path planting

Planted paths offer many advantages:

  • Optical upgrade
  • Plants turn paths into natural eye candy.
  • Natural look
  • Planting supports the impression of a natural path.
  • Creation of eye-catchers
  • Plants direct the gaze and emphasize the route.

Possible planting types

Popular path plants are:

1. Perennials

Plant perennials as a garden path

Sturdy, ornamental perennials of various growth heights.

2. Ground cover

Ground cover plant image

spreading, low plants for wayside.

3. Climbing plants

Climbing plant product image

for trellis or special climbing aids.

planting concepts

Possible design concepts are:

1. Formal design

Strict, geometric arrangement appears clear.

2. Natural planting

Natural mess for organic look.

3. Thematic planting

Composition with the same color or flower theme.

Plant selection and combination

A garden path with many plants

When choosing, the following is important:

  • Plants suitable for the path
  • For example, low plants for narrow paths, tall for wider ones.
  • Pay attention to the color effect
  • Colors support the desired effect.
  • consider seasons
  • Choose plants for spring, summer, fall.

Set the scene for planting

Suitable for staging are:

1. Appropriate accompanying elements

  1. benches
  2. deco
  3. Climbing aids support the overall picture

2. Insert lighting

Light accents particularly emphasize planting.

3. Create contrasts

Combination with other materials such as gravel or stone.

More options for garden path design

Garden path planting costs

Depending on the size, you have to reckon with costs from around 15 to 25 euros per square meter .

Cost overview for possible plants

position Costs
perennials 5-15€ per piece
ground cover 3-8€ per piece
climbing plants 10-25€ per piece
climbing aids 20-50€ per piece
accompanying elements very different
substrate 10-20€ per m2
planting work 30-60€ per hour
Tool 50-150€

Conclusion - Give yourself time for the garden path planting to meet your personal taste

Carefully planned and arranged planting for garden paths creates a natural ambience and lets the path shine in a whole new light.

I hope this article provides you with all the information and tips for your own path planting project. I am happy to answer any questions.

Planting the most frequently asked questions about garden paths

1. How much space do path plants need to grow?

min. 30-50 cm from the edge of the path so that they don't grow over the path. More space for large perennials and shrubs.

2. How do I prevent the planting from growing over the path?

Regular pruning. Note the height of the plants. Use root barriers if necessary.

3. How do I recognize easy-care path plants?

Undemanding, hardy plants that can cope with a variety of soil conditions and require little pruning.

4. How do I plant paths in full sun?

Heat and drought tolerant perennials such as lavender or sage. Provide irrigation if necessary.

5. Which plants are suitable for shady paths?

Shade-tolerant perennials such as hosta, hosta or ferns. Many ground covers also like shade.

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