Cutting granite: instructions, tools and machines
We will show you what you have to consider when cutting granite in order to achieve the cleanest possible results.
Granite is a very commonly used building material, especially as a high-quality and attractive area such as kitchen worktops, bathroom floors or stair treads. However, the granite must be adjusted in its raw form and finally cut on the spot from time to time.
1. What are the properties and advantages of granite?
Granite is a very strong and durable material that is ideal for indoor and outdoor use alike. Granite is highly resistant to:
- humidity
- scratch
- abrasions
Properties that make a durable item in the household.
It is also available in a large number of colors and shapes. Thus, the individual taste can be met.
2. What machines and tools do I need to cut granite?
To cut granite stone efficiently and safely , you need the right tool. There are several ways to do this. Depending on the object to which the granite was processed, different processes are possible. We want to refer to the methods and uses of an average handyman.
2.1 This includes:
- Cutting granite with an angle grinder
- Cutting granite with a table saw
A diamond blade for granite is always used in this type of granite cutting. You can now find out what special features these cutting discs can have and how they are to be used.
3. Angle grinder cutting granite with granite diamond cutting disc
This combination is most commonly used by DIYers, plumbers and tilers. For the simple reason that here the granite is already in its perfect form, for example granite tiles. These small granite elements can be worked on with the angle grinder.
Choosing the right granite disc is relatively easy because only a 115 mm or 125 mm diamond cutting disc is suitable for the angle grinder. The granite disc should be designed for cutting hard tiles such as porcelain stoneware. These are perfectly capable of cutting granite with an angle grinder.
Cutting granite requires patience and accuracy to achieve the desired result.
What steps do I need to follow to cut granite with the angle grinder?
- Measure the granite piece precisely. Mark the desired cut edge on the granite surface with a washable pen.
- Place your object on a surface that is slightly elevated and the desired cutting edge is in the air.
- In the best case, you use a guide rail that helps you to cut your granite piece as straight as possible.
- Plunge into the edge area and cut along the raw edge. Don't apply too much pressure and let the cutting disc do the work.
- Check the cut piece for accuracy and make sure the edges have not chipped. In the event of damage, you can resharpen and clean it with our various diamond grinding pads .
4. Cut granite with the table saw
The table saw is the most ideal machine for cutting granite. This is due to the use of water. As described above, the use of water is helpful when cutting all materials, especially rock. It provides additional cooling and increases accuracy. Also, the cutting table is the only option for cutting large format granite pieces.
Good to know: When cutting granite with a table saw, you must use a wet cut diamond blade. Depending on the machine type, these can be purchased in diameters of 230 mm x 25.4 mm, 300 mm x 25.4 mm, 350 mm x 25.4 mm.
- Measure the granite piece precisely. Mark the desired cut edge on the granite surface with a washable pen.
- Place your workpiece on the guide rail. Make sure the water supply and electricity are turned on. In addition, the granite diamond blade should be clamped according to the running direction.
- Start the cutting process and carefully guide the workpiece towards the cutting blade.
- Make sure the cut goes all the way through the granite. Again, don't apply any pressure and let the machine do the cutting.
- Check the cut piece for accuracy and make sure the edges have not chipped. In the event of damage, you can resharpen and clean it with our various diamond grinding pads.
5. How to cut granite without dust?
Granite should be cut dust-free. The resulting fine dust can damage the lungs in the medium and long term.
Our expert tip: You can protect yourself from this with an FFP2 mask without additional tools.
You have these options for cutting granite without dust:
When cutting granite with the wet cutting table, the resulting dust is bound directly with the water and removed
- When cutting granite with the angle grinder, there is also an option for dust-free cutting. For this purpose, a suction hood for cutting discs is mounted on the angle grinder. This is connected to a vacuum cleaner and can extract the resulting dust.
6. Summary - You can cut granite with different machines.
Cutting granite can be challenging, but with the right tool and careful approach, even the DIY enthusiast can achieve the best results.
Please always keep in mind that granite is a high-quality and usually expensive material that should not be cut without thought.
Personal tip from my experience: Practice on another material with similar properties such as porcelain stoneware beforehand. In an emergency, you should always get a professional by your side who can do the work for you.